Being young, female, ambitious and busy has its own perks. Such young women have more chances to attain a sexy and successful career at a younger age. We are more open to changes and we learn more from the lessons that life gives us.
Of course, it has its bad side also. We seize every opportunity for fame, looking good, learning--both as the building blocks on the highway to success--rest and recreation. We seem to have all the time in the world but we do not feel like it. We often feel burdened by our schedule. We have less time for laid back and sentimental moments. But we jump at the possibility of fun. We indulge and exhaust our bodies for a temporary moment of bliss, often, aware of its end coming. (That is why we call parties and gimmicks fun and a happening but rarely describe them as happy.) Our bodies are alive and satisfied but inside, we are yearning for so much more.
About love, do we even know it? Maybe for a while. Five years ago. Or it just feels like five years ago. After that battering of the heart incident, we decide that we cannot love another person again. There is always the tendency of attachment but we deny to ourselves our vulnerability. If someone comes along, we know that he is for a moment only. He is Mr. Right Now. We do not have the patience for courtship and getting to know the person. We want to get Mr. Right Now ASAP, right now. And although it hurts us to cut the romance short, we take the courage to step out of that petty relationship. We are proud to say that we are strong women though inside, we are all struggling and nearly broken.
We have become material beings. We live by our schedules that we fervently follow out of our material desires. Beauty and relaxation is a matter of who has access to products and services. We confuse romantic love to our desire to have some-body; a body beside us for comfort, protection and fun.
We claim to be getting saner, smarter and stronger with every experience that we go through. Maybe it is true. But maybe we are just getting better at masking our emotions.
Mr. Right Now is a reflection of our weaknesses, apprehensions and impatience. He is the picture of an overused body and an stagnated soul. He makes us appear more beautiful (with having a dozen of seasonal dates) and wiser.
But we know better.